The Southern Delaware Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous
Service area includes the following cities and towns in Delaware: Bethany, Dagsboro, Fenwick, Frankfort, Georgetown, Laurel, Lewes, Milton, Ocean View, Rehoboth Beach, Seaford, and Selbyville.
Gays and Lesbians in Alcoholics Anonymous
“Our sole purpose for existing is to provide our experience, strength and hope to any arm of A.A. when called upon to do so, to work in the spirit of Unity and Service with A.A. as a whole. Our function is not that of a policy/decision making board in matters affecting the gay and lesbian members of Alcoholics Anonymous, nor is our function to isolate or separate ourselves from the mainstream of A.A.”
Gay & Sober Men is an LGBTQ organization who’s mission is to provide a safe, fun, and enriching experience to the sober community. Our primary purpose is to encourage unity and enhance one’s sobriety.
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services
The official Web Page of the AA World Services office. This site includes a list of available publications through World Services and a list of service offices in North America.
Washington Area Intergroup Association
The official Web Page of the Washington Area AA “Desk”. This site contains the complete list of Washington area AA meetings, several valuable links, and the “big picture” of AA in our metro area.
The A.A.Grapevine The international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous, sometimes refered to as A.A.’s Meeting in Print. This site contains general Grapevine information including article submission policies and A.A. historical information.
Narcotics Anonymous World Services The official Web Page of NA World Services office. This site includes information about publications, NA events, and local/regional service boards.
Al-Anon & AlaTeen Hope and help for families and friends of alcoholics.
Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) Crystal Meth Anonymous is a 12 step fellowship for those in recovery from addiction to crystal meth.
SLAADC Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous is a 12-step 12-tradition fellowship based on the model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous.
ICYPAA International Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous.
The Triangle Club A 12-step clubhouse supporting the GLBT recovery community of the Washington DC area. The Web Page includes meeting lists, calendar of events, and information about membership.
Whitman-Walker Clinic, Inc.
A non-profit organization that provides medical and social services to the GLBT and HIV/AIDS communities of metropolitan Washington, DC. WWC has one of the oldest substance abuse treatment programs in the U.S. that serves the LGBT population.
Rainbow Hope
A Web site dedicated to providing information and support to Lesbian survivors of abuse and their partners.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
The federal agency responsible for providing funding to states and other entities for substance abuse treatment and prevention, and mental health services. This site includes information about current and upcoming funding opportunities, as well as a nation-wide substance abuse treatment provider locater.
National Recovery Month
An initiative of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, SAMSHA. Check out recovery events nationwide at this site.